Hey friends!

Recently, several of you have been asking me about starting your own blog/improving the blog you currently have.  I couldn’t be more excited for each and every one of you out there!  As you can see, this blog has become part of my life and is a true creative outlet for me, but I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am today without the help of the fabulous Blog Genie.

I first learned of Rita (the Genie herself) when I was having some backend blog issues at the end of 2012.  I knew she had worked with other healthy living bloggers who only had wonderful things to say about her, and after having a couple of less than stellar experiences with other services trying to help my blog I decided to take the plunge and reach out to her.

Let me tell you friends…there is a REASON they call her the Blog Genie.

She was able to fix everything wrong with my blog and then some!  Boy was I thankful.  Not only that, but she responded to e-mails and questions in super-speed time.  She made me feel important, she explained things thoroughly so I learned as she fixed and she truly gained my trust and respect.

Shortly after she fixed up the old blog, I decided to enroll in the Blog Improvement Challenge.  This was a year long program, where each month focused on a different topic from organizing my schedule for increased productivity to marketing through social media.  She covered all her bases and she covered them well.

blog improvement challenge 2013

There were print-outs, worksheets, and homework assignments.  The best thing about it? Her program WORKED and truly increased my blog traffic.  In just 12 short months I have more than tripled the number of unique visitors who come to my blog each month, doubled the number of page views, and more than doubled all of the followers I have through my social media platforms (twitter, facebook, pinterest, and instagram).  And NO…I didn’t purchase a single “like” or “follow.”

I have also cultivated and deepened several relationships with other bloggers out there.  I truly feel like I am part of the healthy living blog community.  And while I feel like I have learned so much, I also feel like I am still learning and using the tools that Rita gave me to continue to strive to be the best healthy living blogger I can be.

So, you are probably wondering WHY I am sharing all of this with you…


Rita has recently announced that she will be holding another session of Blog School!  There is a cost associated with the Blog School program, but if you are interested in testing the waters Rita is offering 3 free session of Blog School to launch the program and the sessions are available this week.

Here are the deets on the complete Blog School program:

  • 6 month course
  • homework, assignments, print-outs
  • a hands-on guide through the blog building process focusing on content, design, social media marketing, relationship building, and income streams
  • Plus some extras 🙂
  • Enrollment in Blog School is March 31-April 6 and classes begin April 7

Who is this program great for?

Newbies to the blogging world who need to figure out where and how to start a blog AND current bloggers who want to improve what they have.  **Keep in mind, there IS work involved, but if you truly love your blog and blogging and want it to be the best it can be this IS totally the program for you!

So, if you want to improve your blog/start a blog or are even THINKING about one of the two then I highly recommend trying the free Blog School Launch Sessions (sign up by clicking the link!)

Please let me know if you have any questions about Rita’s program.  You can comment below or e-mail me at trebleinthekitchen at gmail dot com 🙂

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    • If you are looking to grow your blog, it truly is a great program. Let me know if you have questions.

    • You are so welcome, Jackie! Please let me know if you have questions and what you think if you sign up for the free program 🙂

  1. I am signing up for the free thing right now! But I”d love to learn more about your experience, we can chat or love if you could shoot me an email with more of the homework involved/technology knowledge needed (I don’t have much 🙂 )

    • So glad you are signing up for the free program! I’ll e-mail you with more details, but honestly you really don’t need too much tech knowledge. Rita will help you out there!!

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