After posting some tips for how to shop for healthful foods on a limited budget, I thought it you might enjoy a couple of other strategies that I use to save a dime.

In addition to making a list and planning meals and meal ideas ahead of time I…


Try Not to Stray from “the List”

I honestly get satisfaction from crossing things off the list as I put them in my cart. Β I also write the price (rounded up) of the item I check off so that at the end of the trip, I can add up the total so I can take things out if needed and have no surprisingly high totals. Β Sometimes it is hard to stick to the list when I see a new product or something that I really want to try, and sometimes it is ok to throw an extra item or two in the cart. Β But if everything that you want is just thrown in the cart aimlessly, then nothing you needΒ will be there to make healthy nutritious meals throughout the week, and there is more of a chance that a trip to the store will be needed between scheduled shopping trips.

Look for In-Store Deals on Items Already on Your List

This cheese was priced 2 for 5, while the store-brand cheese was $2.97. Β Although it was only a couple of cents, every little bit helps! Β Looking at store brand versus brand name is also a good tip to save money without necessarily having a coupon.

Don’t Go to the Store Hungry

This could be detrimental to your healthy, budget-conscious shopping trip. Β I wasΒ hungry today since we had just driven from Fort Wayne, so I bought myself a little LarabarΒ to tide me over before I could get home to make dinner. Β I know that when I am at the store and hungry I am more likely to make an impulse buy on an item that I may never even eat!

Once you have put all Β your items in your cart and before you check out, I always total the bill so that I can decide if I need to put something back or if I can get that extra item that I forgot to put on the list.

Brian and my bill came to a total of $92.70, which is less than our $100 budget for the next two weeks! Β I love saving money!

Money Saver!


Now, off to have some drinks at a wine bar called Tastings πŸ™‚






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