Back in Action

Yesterday, I was absolutely NOT feeling myself.  As much as I tried to go along and do normal things, the feeling of sickness just overtook me.  Luckily, I wasn’t sick to my stomach, just body aches, slight temp., runny nose, etc. but I went to bed early…like 7pm early so that I could fight this cold/flu thing without any medication…and it worked!  I woke up today feeling much better.

Let’s start with breakfast, shall we?  Before I went to bed super duper early last night, I made myself a bowl of overnight oats.  This morning, I added some blueberries and strawberries (that is what the big red blob is).  It was delicious and satisfying.

I then had a super early meeting to run to before coming back to the pups I am watching and hanging out with them for a bit.  Before I left the house again, I created this leg workout to complete.  Since I am still not feeling 100%, I thought doing some strength training would be fine, but any cardio might send me over the top.  Which I was probably right with that idea, since about 3/4 of the way through my workout I started to feel a little bit different than usual.  I was still able to finish, I just wasn’t very strong today :(…but hey, I gotta listen to my body.

I love doing this legs circuit because it still gets the legs shaking and weak, even though you aren’t using any of the heavy equipment machines.  It is all about how heavy the dumbbells are that you grab.  I think my favorite exercise in the whole circuit are the bosu squats.  For some reason, I always feel so powerful when I am standing on the bosu (does anyone else get that feeling?)

Squat on Bosu
Lunge with back leg up

I then followed my strength workout with some abs, stretching, and foam rolling.  Then, it was time for lunch.  Just a little tasty plate of veggies, cauliflower hummus (I promise the recipe is coming soon! 😉 ) and cheese.  I absolutely LOVE those baby bell peppers, and I got them for a really great deal, which makes them taste even better!


Questions of the day:

  • What is your favorite vegetable lately?
  • Any exercise moves you are loving?? Let me know!! 

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