Bio and Chem Filled Weekend + Weekly Meal Plan

Hey and happy Monday!

I kind of feel like I dropped off the face of the planet this weekend, but I’m back!!

I wanted to work ahead in my Chemistry and my Biology classes so that I could finish before Brian and I go home for Christmas, so I really had to power through the work this weekend. Β I had some late nights and I didn’t move much BUT I got ahead by three weeks and I am feeling good πŸ™‚

Here is what my weekend looked like…



HA! And of course some science experiments…

science experiment

science experiment

The highlights of my weekend?

Well…Brian and I got a new car!

new car!

And some celebratory ice cream from Liks.

ice cream lik's

And I officially started Thanksgiving recipe testing. Β Yesterday, I made this Coconut Garlic Butternut Squash PureeΒ from Running to the Kitchen and WOW was it amazing πŸ™‚

dinner with butternut mash

So here is a look at the rest of our meals for the week.



  • Chicken salad sandwiches(our latest fav combo is shredded chicken, dijon, avocado, salt and pepper to taste, apple, celery, onion<–so good!)
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • Salads
  • Leftovers?
  • Side options: Β Apple with nutbutter, veggies and hummus, whole grain pita chips


  • White bean soup
  • Sweet potato chipotle soup
  • Cauliflower fritters with baked salmon
  • Salmon with kale salad (a remake from last week because it was so good and I want to share the recipe with all of you!)
  • Chicken Curry Stir Fry


Your Turn!

  • What’s on your menu?
  • What did you do this weekend?Β Please tell me it was more fun than Chemistry and Biology πŸ˜‰

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  1. Omigoodness so many yummy recipes. I am so excited for Thanksgiving, it’s my absolute favourite holiday! Unfortunately being a Canadian living in Australia means that no one else (aside from me) is making pumpkin-spiced anything and turkey is VERY hard to come by (they don’t do Thanksgiving over here).

  2. I don’t have anything planned for my meals this week because I’m going on vacation, but I wish I was as organized as you in that regard. Congrats on going back to school. If it makes you feel better, I did a lot of school work this weekend as well so you weren’t alone.

  3. Saw this post and thought hey … Is she studying nutrition? And then saw your post about going to school for dietetics! Woohoo! Congrats, you’re going to be such a great RD with so much to contribute to the field! — Kate (from Vera Bradley a few years ago πŸ˜‰ )