Family Filled Weekend

Saturday, Mom and I had  a great time spending the entire day together.  We were able to check some major items off of the wedding to-do list, which felt great!  One of our errands had us running to Sam’s Club.  One of the first things we noticed in the store was a little booth set-up for health screenings.

We thought that this was amazing, and had to ask what they were screening for.  They were testing for glucose levels, blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI.  With a list like that of free things to be tested for, we both sat down!  They also explained that they come and do different health screenings on the second Saturday of each screeningI had never had my cholesterol taken before, so I was interested to see what it was.  My cholesterol checked in at 101, with healthy being anything below 200.  Mom and I checked healthy in all boxes!  That was a great way to start off our shopping trip 😉

After spending a long day out shopping, we came home hungrier than we thought we were.  Luckily, Mom had a dinner plan that was quick, nutritious, and delicious!

Steamed salmon, steamed green beans, and baked rosemary potatoes.  Boy was it good!  Although I do love cooking and being in the kitchen…it sure is nice to have someone else do it for me every once in a while!



Sunday morning, I woke up nice and early to catch up on some e-mails and work items before Mom and I headed out to church.  After church, my parents, my sister, and I drove up to visit my half sister in Michigan with her boyfriend and two little girls.

We spent the day just hanging out with them.  My sister and I really enjoyed the throwback to our world of Barbi dolls!


family 4

family 2After game time….it was lunch time!  We ordered a couple of pizzas from a local pizza place that were verrry tasty!  My pieces were topped with olives and tomatoes.  Delish!

I think McKenzie is a future food blogger in the making 😉

family 3It was a great family filled weekend…now, back to the grind of work.

Happy Monday!



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