Florida Weather in Indy

I am loving the constant sunshine, it completely lifts my mood 🙂  The weather is unseasonably warm here in Indianapolis, and it seriously feels like Florida!


Here is a recap of how Brian and I spent the day yesterday.

Because the weather was sooo beautiful, I was able to convince Brian to go for a run with me.  Typically, Brian doesn’t enjoy running because he gets a little bit bored, and he doesn’t really enjoy  trying to hold a conversation with me while running.  So, this time he thought that he would try running with music!


We have our head phones in for some music inspiration!

As we were running, I had us do a couple of put stops to incorporate some strength training into our jog.

Stop 1:  Step Push-ups

Place hands on a high step, with the body in a straight line (no booties in the air!).  

Lower the body down toward the step while keeping the body in a straight line.  Complete 15 repetitions.  (We did this two different times).

Stop 2:  Stair Run

Run up and down a steep flight of stairs a couple of times to switch the dynamic of simply running on the flat ground.  

The workout was fun to do together! (at least for me) and a great way to take advantage of the wonderful weather.



We then came back, showered up, and had some lunch.  On the menu were salads full of:

  • Spinach
  • Romaine
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Guacamole
  • Onion
  • Salmon
  • Salsa



We then headed to Brian’s parents house to drop off some storage containers and things that we don’t currently need at the apartment.  When we walked in the door, we were greeted by this beautiful flower arrangement!

Brian’s mom has been taking a flower arranging class, and made this arrangement!  Isn’t it pretty?!  I was very impressed 🙂

Brian’s parents also found us a bird cage to use at the wedding for our guests to put cards in.  I think that this bird cage is the perfect look, it is exactly what I had envisioned when I pictured having a bird cage at the wedding.


We then headed to the store to pick up some home gym equipment.  5 lb dumbbells and a foam roller.  Before working on the cruise, I had never used a foam roller and  did not fully understand the importance of it, but after having a therapeutic massage for my super tight muscles (despite stretching and yoga classes daily), I realized the importance of releasing the fascia beneath the skin.


Brian and I then headed to our friend’s house for another little cookout, but I didn’t take any pictures 🙁  I was, however, able to see many of my friends that I hadn’t had a chance to see since my return home.  It was a chill and fun evening, and it was so good to see all of my friends!



This morning, I started my day with a boot camp workout. On the cruise, one of the specialty classes that we would teach was Body Sculpt Boot Camp.  The class was a four day workout program.   In each day four different exercises are completed by simply using your body and one dumbbell.  This workout is great because it can be done virtually everywhere!

After the boot camp workout, I did my foam rolling with my new roller.  Since I have been running more lately, I can already feel the tightness creeping up in my IT band and my hamstrings, so although it hurt…this morning it felt “good” to roll out the pain.


I then had a delicious smoothie for breakfast to fuel me for the day.  Today’s mix included:

  • 1 cup frozen blackberries
  • 1/3 frozen banana
  • 1 handful spinach
  • 1/2 cup Almond Breeze
  • 1 scoop Sunwarrior protein powder
  • splash of water
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1 1/2 tsp peanut butter to top it off

What a delicious and creamy way to start the day.

It is almost the weekend…what do you have planned?

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