Krema Peanut Butter {Giveaway Closed}

This giveaway is closed as of April 8, 2013.  The winners are:

Please e-mail me at [email protected] with your address and either crunchy or creamy to claim your peanut butter prize!


Remember how I gave up ALL nut butters for 40 days and 40 nights for Lent?

Krema Easter

Last week, I told you that my buddies over at Krema Peanut Butter got word of this and sent me along a sampler pack to eat AFTER Lent was over.

Well, they are also giving me the opportunity to give YOU some of the Krema peanut butter goodness!

I have been a long time fan of Krema peanut butter because of the delicious taste and because the ingredient list can’t be beat.  The ONLY thing on the ingredient list is…peanuts!

Here is your chance to try this delicious nut butter out for yourself!

Four Treble in the Kitchen readers will receive 2 jars of their favorite (creamy or crunchy) peanut butter and a Krema Peanut Butter T-shirt.

To enter the contest do one or all of the following:

  • Comment below telling me if you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter.
  • “Like” Treble in the Kitchen on facebook and comment below telling me you did.
  • Follow @trebleinthekchn on twitter and comment below telling me you did and tweet the following:

“I can’t wait to win Krema #peanutbutter by entering @trebleinthekchn’s contest

I will randomly select 4 winners on Monday, April 8.

Good luck!!

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  1. Lately, I’m loving crunchy peanut butter (topped with jam on an english muffin, more specifically!)

  2. I like creamy peanut butter but crunchy works best when I’m craving texture or in savory applications, i.e. thai peanut soup. Yum!

  3. for just eating with a spoon (um, you all do it!) or for PB&Js, i prefer crunchy. for cooking, though (e.g. thai peanut sauces, baking, etc.) i prefer creamy.

    thanks for hosting this giveaway.

    don’t know HOW ON EARTH you gave it up for 40 days… nut butter is my addiction! good for you girl!

  4. This may be the toughest question I’ve ever tried to answer… I’d have to go with creamy, though!

  5. I follow you on facebook and twitter, and i love BOTH crunchy and creamy peanut butter….but right now, I’m feeling creamy pb a little bit more 🙂