And there is still plenty of time in the day to accomplish the rest!
Ok, so I really wanted to run 6 miles today before hitting up yoga. Two things stopped me from doing that. First, my knee hurt a little teeny weeny bit again. Because I have never had pain like this before I am just trying to be suuuuper careful. Now, the pain wasn’t anything debilitating, but there was definitely something there….and that is what made me nervous. I stopped at mile three.
The second thing that prevented me from running was this weird feeling I get when I drink caffeine. It doesn’t happen all the time, but sometimes I get sweaty, dizzy, shaky, and just feel all around weird. So, because of that and my knee I only ran three miles.
I then biked about three miles round trip (I went a little extra on the way to the gym) while riding my bike to yoga. This was officially my second yoga class, and it was great!
The instructor was this little old lady, and if you saw her on the street there is no way you would think she was a yoga instructor…but she was doing all of the stretches with us! My favorite stretch was….the pigeon.
This pose just felt the best and like it gave me the most stretch. My favorite part of the whole workout was the end. Throughout the entire class the lights were off, and the sound of light flutes, water, and chimes were playing in the background.
At the very end, she told us to lie down on our backs, and she gave us all eye pillows. The eye pillow smelled like chamomile tea, and my body was instantly relaxed. After laying on the ground listening to the soothing tone of the woman’s voice along with the music it was time to open our eyes and begin to “wake up our bodies.” I seriously felt, and feel renewed! I never take the time to just sit there and relax, so this class was great. I hope that I can fit it into my schedule next week!
I have just been snacking throughout the day, so no picture for lunch…sorry! Enjoy the rest of your Friday. I need to cross those last two things off of my to-do list!
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