Coming next April, Brian and I will be welcoming a new addition to our family…a baby GIRL! It’s still a bit hard to believe that our lives are totally going to change forever (in the best way) by adding a new family member, but the sickness, nausea and extreme exhaustion I’ve felt the past 6 weeks have reminded me that something really is going on.
We found out in the beginning of August, not too long before we headed off to our long-awaited vacation to France. It was actually the day of our housewarming party with all of our family and friends at our house! We didn’t share the news then because we didn’t want the party to turn into a baby party and we needed the news to sink in a little. Pretty early on I felt extremely tired. I would day dream about bed! I continued to workout normally until about week 6 when I started to actually get sick and not just feel a little off. Weeks 4-6 when I was still working out on my normal schedule, I felt a bit like I was running through mud. I just couldn’t go as hard or as fast as normal, and for good reason! My body needed energy to make this baby.
We told our families around week 6 as part of our moms’ birthday presents (they have birthdays close to each other), and everyone was so surprised and excited. It was really fun to finally let our families in on the secret. The two weeks we knew without telling our families were so hard because Brian and I are both very close to our families.
My first trimester has been really rough. Just before we left for France, I started to feel really nauseas and tired (like the most tired I have ever felt). We had a fantastic time in France, but it was definitely a much slower pace trip than normal. I had a hard time walking for more than 15 minutes and we went back to our room so I could nap for an hour or two around lunch time every day. There were also a couple of days when I really couldn’t get out of bed at all, but thankfully Brian was so supportive and really helped me by making sure I was eating regularly (eating even when I felt sick actually made me feel better), understanding that I really wanted to go-go-go but just couldn’t, and just being really relaxed about everything. The strangest thing was that I knew I needed to eat, and I felt worse when I was hungry but almost no food sounded good.
I had always heard of women experiencing morning sickness, but I just didn’t expect it to feel like I was truly sick for many many weeks. This was really hard to handle mentally because it made it really hard to get any work done, go on walks with the dogs and Brian, go to the store, or do anything that we normally do (I really just laid on the couch and watched TV most days).
I am about 13 weeks now and I am still feeling a bit sick most days, but there are a few good days mixed in. We have had two doctor appointments and they said everything is looking good.
We have already started working on the nursery (I can’t wait to share it with you!) and we have our babymoon planned for January. When I imagine the future, I imagine it with a little girl which is just so crazy and exciting! I will be honest in saying that I am a little nervous about the baby phase because I have always been nervous around babies. Brian is GREAT with kids, and frequently picks up our friends’ children to play and easily creates a connection. I know that I will be fine when the time comes, but I’ll be honest in saying it does give me a little bit of anxiety.
These photos were captured by Kelley of Kelley Jordan Photography and Skyler Creative.
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I was totally in the same boat with being uncomfortable around babies! Matt is great with kids though. I learned that when it’s your own baby it’s totally different and awesome!
So glad to hear that 🙂