Yoga Confession

Good Morning!

Today, I don’t have to be to work until 1:30pm.  That means I was able to wake up at 7am and workout in the morning, sure feels great to start the day how I prefer 😉

I have a confession to make.  I have been a little lax on the whole yoga thing, for some reason I just keep putting it off.  So, in order to keep myself accountable I have decided to post about the Yoga Move of the Day.  Since I am no pro and today is day number one, I thought I would start off simple with a pose that many people have heard of:

Downward Facing Dog

The last pose is the advanced version.  If you are not advanced or have super tight hamstrings like me (that’s why my heals don’t touch the ground) you can keep your knees slightly bent and work toward the straight leg posture.

Benefits of Downward Facing Dog:  improves digestion, relieves insomnia, menstrual and menopausal discomfort, and low back pain, strengthens the arms, legs and torso, stretches the palms, chest, back, hamstrings and calves, and energizes the body.

I would love to have feedback from anyone about my posture, benefits of the move, other variations, or anything you want to share!

*I am using Hatha Yoga illustrated by Martin Kirk and Brooke Boon


After my yoga pose, I did my own mini bootcamp outside on the canal.  It is a total of 3 miles around the canal and I stopped and did little workout pit stops along the way.

  • Ran up and down 5 sets of stairs
  • 15 tricep dips and 10 pushups with hands on a bench (2 sets)
  • 15 calf raises on a step and 20 squats with one leg higher on the step than the other (2 sets)
  • 50 crunches and 25 bicycle crunches (2 sets)
It was a great workout and great way to start the morning!  The weather is beginning to cool off a lot right now.  It’s crazy how quickly the transition into fall occurs, it seems like yesterday that I was sweating the moment I stepped outdoors each morning.
Since I have been doing a lot of long runs lately and working out in the evening I have had some sort of food in my stomach about an hour before each workout.  When I would workout in the morning at Butler, many times I would head to the gym first thing waiting to eat breakfast afterward.  Since I worked out just after I woke up this morning, I decided to wait for breakfast…and boy could I tell a difference!  I wasn’t hungry when I left to workout, and I wasn’t exactly hungry during my workout, but I felt weak.  It’s crazy how the body can adapt so quickly.
When I got home, I was ready for energy and had a peanut butter chocolate smoothie bowl (with spinach in it of course).
Truly hit the spot!
Now that I have time before I have to get ready for work, I am going to make some appointments with wedding florists and photographers! 🙂





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