Guy Food: Pizza

On tonight’s menu…Pizza!

Let’s start with the basics here. You are probably thinking “What?! Pizza? I thought this was supposed to be healthy?!”  When we take things back to the basics, a healthy balanced meal really requires three simple things:  a carb, a vegetable, and a protein.  Put those three things together and you will have a nutritious and balanced meal in no time!  Pizza is carbs–crust, vegetable–veggie toppings and tomato sauce, protein–meat toppings and cheese.

Now, because this is Brian making the dish, and we want to keep things as simple as possible we used a pre-made whole wheat natural crust.  This crust really had everything included…we didn’t even need a pan to cook it!

It also came with a bag to put the leftovers in…perfect for a guy.

First step:  season the crust.  Brian sprayed the crust with olive oil cooking spray and topped it with minced garlic.

He then spread tomato sauce over the crust in a perfect circular motion.

Brian decided he wanted cheese on the bottom layer and the top layer, so he added a light sprinkling of part skim milk mozzarella cheese before adding the toppings.

Here is where you can get creative and add whatever vegetable and protein you want!  We added spinach, broccoli, tomato, and pepperoni, and of course more cheese.

The pre-baked pizza

We then put it in the oven on 425 for 7 minutes and “Voila!” dinner was ready!

Brian tasted and and it met his approval, and the best part for him…there are plenty of leftovers so he can cook once and eat for more than one meal. (The salad we had on the side is optional)

Now that sounds like the perfect “Guy Food” to me!