Some Weekend Pics

Brian and I spent the weekend savoring each moment while we are still living in Indianapolis.  We spent time with friends and family, we were able to be productive yet squeeze in some fun too.  I hope you all had a great weekend as well 🙂

Here are a couple of photos I snapped from our weekend:

Made my first acai bowl and loved every bite of it!

acai bowl

I made it for breakfast one morning and honestly felt like I was eating dessert.  I topped the bowl with frozen strawberries and banana, fresh blueberries, and cashew butter.

acai bowl

We cleaned out some of the items we were storing at Brian’s parent’s house and his mom and aunt worked on re-covering some chairs for us to take with us to Denver.  They are going to be so cute!

recovering chair

I got creative in the kitchen and made a yummy batch of blueberry muffins using brown rice and coconut flour.  I’m going to make them again soon just to make sure I have all the proportions correct before sharing 🙂

1-photo (51)

Saturday night, our friends Joy and Alex organized a little going-away get together at the Rathskeller.

going away party

It was so great to see everyone and the weather was absolutely perfect for being outdoors.

going away party

Sunday morning I made a new-to-me smoothie…a carrot smoothie!

carrot smoothie

I loved adding carrots into the mixture and can’t wait to experiment with my new found smoothie veggie love even more.

carrot smoothie

During lunch I relaxed a bit with some cookbook reading.  That’s something that I absolutely adore, but don’t do nearly enough of.  Do you like to read cookbooks?

lunch and cook book reading

So, that is pretty much our weekend in a nutshell!

We still have quite a bit of packing to do, but today I am actually headed up to Fort Wayne to spend time with family, get some of my old things out of my parent’s house and go to the doctor.

I hope you all have a great start to the week!

**Don’t forget to enter my $45 Swanson Health Products Giveaway!

Your Turn!

  • What did you do this weekend!?

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  1. We are preparing for a move as well! We currently live in San Francisco, but I am starting graduate school in Lincoln, Nebraska, this fall. We packed everything last weekend and will drive to Nebraska in a few days.

    What’s taking you guys to Denver? Good luck with everything!