To bring myself back to reality and to celebrate this season of thankfulness, I decided to write down a list of 100 things for which I am thankful.
As we are in this week of thankfulness, I would LOVE to hear some of the things YOU are thankful for 🙂
1. My husband. Brings me back to Earth, centers me, and washes the many many dishes I accumulate every day 😉
2. My puppies. Always full of energy, life, happiness, and always ready to go go go or snuggle so hard.
3. My parents. I’m thankful for our adult relationship and that they have welcomed Brian into our family so easily.
4. My siblings. Woven from the same cloth, yet so unique. Love you guys!
5. My in laws. I am so thankful to have a strong and happy relationship with Brian’s family 🙂
6. My grandparents. They just moved to Indiana, and for the first time in my life I live in the same state as them. It’s wonderful to see them on a much more regular basis.
7. All of my family. Every family has ups and downs but I am so thankful for every single person I am related to or that I am related to by marriage. Life wouldn’t be as full without you.
8. My education. I am thankful for my degree from Butler University and I am beyond grateful that I was able to go back to school to pursue my dreams to have a career in
nutrition. I still pinch myself, because I can’t believe I am almost officially an RD.
9. My ability to sing. I have always loved to sing, and I am thankful that people actually like to listen to me! It is so fun sharing this gift with others.
10. Fresh flowers in the house.
11. Our first home! It’s such a treat to be in a home as home owners and I am having a blast decorating and putting my personal touch on everything.
12. Getting together with old friends and having it feel like you haven’t skipped a beat with each other.
13. My faith. It’s not something I grew up shouting loud and proud, but I’ve found that faith is a personal journey and I am happy to have embraced it.
14. Living within walking distance of my favorite
coffee shop.
15. Long Saturday morning walks with Brian and the dogs.
16. For our time in Colorado. I miss it dearly, but I wouldn’t trade those 2 1/2 years for the world.
17. Skiing. I don’t think we will hit the slopes this year, but I learned to love this adventurous winter sport last year.
18. Running. Always a challenge, but it’s a challenge I absolutely crave. Some days it even feels like a meditation, but I am so thankful when my feet hit the pavement.
19. Podcasts.
20. Taylor Swift’s new album.
21. Christmas music. I’ve been holding off on listening until Christmas!
22. Leslie Odom Jr.’s new Christmas album.
23. The ability to travel.
24. The neighborhood kid across the street that mows our lawn more often than I would like to admit.
26. Bernie and Rooney’s squirrel friend (it’s hilarious to watch them “play!”)
27. Christmas cookies and all holiday baking.
28. Hot Indiana summers.
29. Sunshine.
31. A clean house.
32. Christmas lights.
33. Actual sweater weather.
34. Essential oil holiday blends (right now I am blending orange, nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon).
35. Being with my family and Brian’s family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
36. The public library.
37. Living within walking distance of the public library.
38. Hosting gatherings at our house.
39. The crock pot (especially on busy week nights!)
40. My camera and the ability to experiment with it.
41. Learning how to be a better photographer (still have a long way to go!)
42. Michael Buble’s music.
43. Cookbooks.
44. BIG hugs just when they are needed.
45. Cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.
46. Lasagna for Christmas dinner.
47. Large, oversized, cozy sweaters.
48. Sharing freshly baked chocolate chip cookies with my grandpa.
49. The Wicked Pandora station…literally lifts my mood every. single. time.
50. Dear Evan Hansen the Musical
51. Hamilton – and being able to see it!
52. Going through old photos and keepsakes at my parent’s house.
53. Christmas lights.
54. Cozy movie nights.
55. Christmas movies.
56. Riding our old (very vintage!) but new-to-us bikes with Brian.
57. Free samples of just about anything.
58. Shopping at Trader Joe’s.
59. Leisurely grocery shopping trips where I can stroll through every single aisle.
60. Large water bottles. (I’m addicted to drinking water)
61. My love for almost all vegetables.
62. Delicious and fancy cocktails.
63. Sending snail mail and packages to friends and family.
64. Walking to the farmers market on Saturday mornings with Brian and the pups.
65. Pinterest. So much visual inspiration for so many aspects of life!
66. Living close to family.
68. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I look forward to it every year!
69. Silly but sentimental holiday traditions.
70. This Old House magazine
71. Friends visiting from out of town.
72. Visiting friends that live out of town.
73. Learning from amazing, inspiring, intelligent people in my dietetic internship.
74. My health.
75. Celebrating Brian’s 30th birthday.
76. Getting into a hot, cozy car in the summer (I know…most people do NOT like this feeling!)
77. Any meal eaten outside.
78. A clean house.
79. My dogs wearing adorable winter sweaters and jackets.
80. Our friendly neighbors.
81. When the person in front of me in line at the grocery lets ME go first because I have fewer items.
83. Veterans who fought for our country.
84. How social media makes it so easy to connect with people all over the world from many stages of life.
85. The seat warmers in our cars.
86. My running mittens.
87. My vitamix.
88. My Kitchenaid stand mixer (Brian got her for me on my 21st birthday and I knew the love was real!) 😉
89. Sunflowers and peonies – my absolute favorites.
90. My garden that overflowed with tomatoes and zucchini this year.
91. Getting fresh eggs from a friend who lives in the neighborhood each week.
92. New friendships.
93. Living in a country where I am free to pursue my dreams.
94. Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice and Winter coffee blends.
95. Long runs on the Monon Trail.
96. New York City at Christmas time (and really any time!)
97. Brian’s graduation from his residency program 🙂
98. A fresh blanket of snow and snow days in general.
99. Starting new traditions.
100. YOU 🙂
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