Five Things Friday 5.29.2015

Happy Friday!

I’m excited that it’s Friday for a couple of reasons.  For starters, it’s always great to know that the weekend is right around the corner, but I’m particularly excited this Friday because my mom and dad are coming tomorrow for a week long visit and my sister is coming on Sunday to stay with us for a couple of days!  I can’t wait to have some family time (haven’t seen them since Christmas!) and I can’t wait for them to meet Bernie 🙂  I have a feeling it will be love at first snuggle and lick.

bernie and tara

It’s been a great, productive week around here and I hope you all enjoy the weekend too!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

This week I was having some stomach issues, so I really tried to tighten up on the low FODMAP thing and have the majority of my vegetables cooked. That being said, Brian really enjoyed our meals!  Here is a peak at what we ate this week (sans formal recipes).

  • Grilled salmon with rosemary, chives, a touch of extra virgin olive oil and orange zest over a bed of sauteed kale with a side of roasted parsnips.


  • Grilled chicken, sauteed spinach and roasted potatoes.


  • I made a batch of low FODMAP no tortilla chicken soup on Monday and enjoyed that for lunches most days this week.  I would toss some of the soup into the pan and cook it up with some leftover roasted veggies and kale or spinach.

This bowl has leftover potato (from the meal above), spinach, bell pepper and the no tortilla chicken soup.


  • This meal accidentally turned out WAY spicier than I intended because I used chipotle seasoning instead of smoked paprika…oops! They look so similar 🙂  Anyways, I really do love a little heat in my meal so I thought it still tasted great! (Brian thought it was pretty good too!)

Shrimp cooked in coconut oil with chipotle seasoning and lime, roasted zucchini and bell peppers with chipotle seasoning, and sauteed kale.  Over the bowl I drizzled fresh lime juice.


  • This meal was inspired by Lindsay Cotter’s Power Bowl she posted yesterday 🙂

For the salad base, I mixed sauteed kale with raw spinach to reduce the amount of raw veggie (since that may be a culprit of my stomach issues).  I then topped the salad base with roasted zucchini, a small amount of blueberries (around 10), and a small amount of strawberries (around 2-3, chopped), grilled salmon seasoned with salt and pepper, 1 tsp of sunflower seeds for a little crunch, and a dressing made of red wine vinegar and dijon.  It was so simple and tasty! 🙂


Five Workouts:

Top Five Pins:

Follow me on Pinterest here!

  • This recipe looks delish 🙂

Dairy Free Dark Chocolate Coconut Pudding via Pinterest

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  • Such a cool idea!

Chalkboard Fridge via Pinterest

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  • I love this outfit!

Outfit via Pinterest

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  • This sounds like a fun recipe idea!

Zucchini Oat Chip Cookies via Pinterest

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  • Love this.

Pretty globe via Pinterest

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Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • This a cappella version of Chandelier by Twisted Measure.  SO GOOD!

  • Watching Friends on Netflix!! YES…Friends from way back.  I had only seen a few episodes here and there and sometimes I like just putting on a quick show.  Each episode is only 22 minutes long, so about a month ago I went back to the very beginning and watched episode 1 and have been working my way through.  I love it!! 🙂
  • The Bachelorette.  Totally my guilty pleasure and I really love every single second of it! Although, I’m not loving that it’s on an hour later.  Brian and I have to watch 1 hour, go to bed and watch the second hour later online.
  • Vizslas statues!  Brian and I have seen a few houses around Denver with Vizsla statues in front of their houses and we joke that “someday” we will have the same decor for our front porch.  Well, I was flipping through Good Housekeeping the other day and I saw these dog statues that look very much like Vizslas!! I guess our dream can become a reality someday (and it’s in style!).


  • My family is coming to visit!! 🙂

Posts I Have Loved:

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!


  • Tell me something about your week or the upcoming weekend!  Try any new recipes? Workouts?!  Let me know 🙂
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  1. Those Zucchini-Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies look delicious! I had to post them to my pinterest board!

    I also have the guilty pleasure of watching the Bachelorette (and I agree, the new time is much harder to stay up for!), but I love every minute! This season had a pretty crazy beginning to it with choosing between 2 bachelorettes!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family! 🙂

  2. I also started Friends when it came on! I can’t believe I never watched it growing’s SO funny. I love that show so much!

    Hope you have lots of fun with your family and have a fun weekend!